Becoming entitled to Medicare introduces you to a whole new set of insurance options. Midwest Health Benefits is here to help you cut through the clutter and confusion. We're happy to answer your questions about Medicare supplements, Medicare Prescription Drug Plans ("Part D" plans), and other Medicare products.
Even more importantly, we are here for you as time goes by. When you have questions about your bill, when you want clarification of your benefits, or it's time to review your plan to determine if it's still right for you, Midwest Health Benefits is here. We take pride in our knowledgeable staff and exceptional customer service.
Part D plans and Medicare Advantage plans have an annual enrollment period. The next annual enrollment period is October 15, 2025 through December 7, 2025. This is the time to review and (possibly) make changes for 2026. Mark your calendar!
We do not offer every plan available in your area. In Stevens County, where our office is located, we represent 7 organizations which offer 32 products, in addition to select Medicare Supplement plans. For other counties, please contact our office. To get information on all of your options, contact, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP).